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三星A9 Star/Star Lite发布:1999元起搭载Bixby

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三星A9 Star/Star Lite发布:1999元起搭载Bixby

Company Culture: Be honest, Be efficient; Pursuit the best, Share the most.

Company Philosophy: Nothing is small when it matters to customers. 

Mason Vap produces and innovates all types of E-cigs, our main categories are: simulated E-cig, flue-cured E-cig, temperature-controlled E-cig, power-controlled E-cig, mechanical E-cig, etc. We manufacture products based on user needs, experiences and feedbacks.

Html5 + Css3 Vap has a fully integrated quality management system, which includes: ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO13485, GMP, etc., and we are building a Whole Process Information Management System, which will transfer design, incoming material, manufacture, delivery processes into data information, and through collection and analysis of these data, it will enable us to optimize production process, and ensure our products are manufactured with higher quality standard than the industry.


拍照方面:三星A9 Star 采用了后置1600万+2400万像素的广角+长焦的双摄组合,最大光圈为F/1.7,支持PDAF相位对焦,并且使用类似华为P20的超采样技术来对画面进行降噪处理。同时后置摄像头能够根据光线自动切换主摄像头,即在白天时采用1600万像素的摄像头为主摄,黑夜时会采用2400万像素的摄像头为主摄

